There are over 150 species of coconut trees growing in 80 countries. In terms of height there are two important varieties: the dwarf coconut tree and the tall coconut tree.
Once the seedling germinates it grows very rapidly, producing leaves from the growing point at the tip of the stem. Early leaves are ‘entire’, which means that each has a single large blade comprising leaflets that are joined at the edges. Later leaves display separated lower leaflets, while the upper ones remain joined. Before long, a leaf emerges on which all the leaflets are separated, and this form of leaf is referred to as a frond. Eventually the trunk will be ringed at intervals by leaf scars. Flowering begins after 6-7 years. Inflorescences (flowering heads) are borne in the leaf axils (where the leaf meets the stem). As the flowers contain nectaries and are sweet scented, it is thought that they may attract insects for pollination. However, as the pollen is light and dry, there may also be some wind pollination.
The dwarf tree grows up to 6 meters and the tall tree can grow up to an incredible 30 meters!
Coconut palm trees can flower up to 13 times a year, producing a harvest of as many as 65-75 fruits per year.